
Divorce Lawyer Serving Bridgeport, Milford, Trumbull & Stratford, CT

When you work with Gans & Gans, you are getting a team with over 25 years of experience in family law by your side who understand the emotional toll going through a divorce can have.  

We Are Here to Help You Through Your Divorce

Divorce is a difficult matter for everyone involved. There are complicated emotions, assets to be divided, and custody of dependents. We understand how overwhelming these matters are which is why it is important to work with a divorce lawyer who approaches the situation with professionalism and compassion. The divorce attorneys at Gans & Gans focus on guiding you through the process and seek a resolution that will give you confidence and closure. We are always impartial, which means we focus solely on getting the best possible outcome for our client, and never make decisions based on emotion. Regardless of whether it be in out-of-court mediation, or in front of a judge, our team has your back. If you are located in Bridgeport, Milford, Trumbull, or Stratford, CT give our divorce attorneys a call for more information. 

What Can Our Divorce Lawyer Help You With?

• Investigate any potential complications that can happen during your divorce
• Negotiate with the other divorce attorney
• Can locate hard to find assets
• Can figure out child custody and visitation rights
• Can figure out child support and alimony
What Costs to Expect When Filing for Divorce
While going through a divorce is typically an emotionally trying experience, it also often comes with a substantial financial cost. According to Lawyers.com for example, the cost of a divorce involving minor children can be up to 50% more than the cost of a divorce without. Factors like alimony, property distribution, and other disputes can lengthen the process and increase the cost that comes along with it. When you hire a qualified divorce attorney however, they can help you reach settlements and potentially drive down your overall expenditures.
Divorce Lawyer Bridgeport, CT
What to Expect When You Hire a Divorce Attorney

As experienced divorce and family law attorneys, we work to achieve a fair result, utilizing our investigative and discovery techniques to ensure all financial information is disclosed. We have the experience and skill to help you with all aspects of legal separation or divorce, including child custody, alimony, and more.

In addition, our attorneys recognize that many families do not have the rights and protection that divorce laws provide to married people. We provide advice and guidance with civil union matters and advise unmarried couples.

True Client Advocacy

While we feel that an amicable resolution is often in a client's best interest, we tailor our representation based upon your needs and goals. We have the experience and trial skills to litigate cases in divorce court when necessary. 

Our Divorce Lawyers Serve Milford, Trumbull, Bridgeport, CT & Beyond

Going through a divorce can be one of the most emotionally trying times of your life, and when combined with complicated paperwork can quickly become overwhelming. The team at Gans & Gans have helped clients in the Milford and Trumbull areas with the legal aspects of divorce for over 25 years, and understand the importance of maintaining impartiality and professionalism throughout the process. When your emotions are charged, you may say or do things that will not benefit your interests later on. By having an impartial professional represent you, you nullify any risk of emotions complicating an already difficult process and give yourself the best possible chance for a favorable resolution. Whether you are married, in a civil union, or are an unmarried couple, the team at Gans & Gans can help you come to an amicable resolution privately or represent you in court if need be. Get in touch with us today to learn more about what we can do for you. We proudly serve residents in and around the Bridgeport, CT, Milford, CT, Trumbull, CT, and Stratford, CT areas. 

sad-looking couple that's contemplating divorce
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